R-CA Dues, Heritage Fund and General Fund – What Are They and What Do They Cover? 

The Roark-Conner Association (R-CA) is dedicated to: hosting an annual family reunion; maintaining several Cemeteries; preserving our heritage by documenting the history of our ancestors; sharing history through the publication of books, DVDs, and the Website Roark-Conner.org; and keeping our members informed of general family news through our dedicated reporters who contribute to the Newsletter.

It is a goal of your dedicated Officers & Directors, and the Newsletter Editor, to keep you informed of what is going on through the publication of three Newsletters each year. However, the $10 annual membership dues barely covers the printing and distribution cost of the Newsletters. Keeping current on your dues will assure you of continuing to receive the Newsletter and will show your support for the R-CA.

In the past, Reunion attendees paid their annual dues when signing up to attend the Family Reunion. Since we did not have a face-to-face Reunion in 2020 or 2021,  the Treasurer sent an invoice to all current R-CA members for the R-CA membership dues. Since we are hosting another Virtual Reunion beginning September 23rd, 2022, we will follow the same billing procedures this year. For this year and for the coming 2023 calendar year, you do not have to wait for the invoice to pay your dues, and when paying your dues, you may pay for multiple years, which will save on postage. The Treasurer’s mailing address is listed below.

The 2021 and 2022 annual dues were waived for any new members who joined the R-CA during the Virtual Reunion Special that we were offering. In 2023, new members will be invited to continue their membership, if they would like, and to contribute the $10 annual membership fee to support the R-CA.

We also traditionally receive a number of contributions to the Heritage and General Funds during the face-to-face reunions. These Funds also support the important work of the R-CA. Again, because we will hold a Virtual Reunion again  this year, we do not have that source of gifts. If you would like to contribute to the Heritage or General Funds, you may send your contributions to:

Roark-Conner Association
Connie Perrin, Treasurer
8 Brookwood Drive
Chattanooga, TN  37411-1801

You may also designate your Heritage Fund gift “In memory of . . .” a loved one who has passed or “In honor of . . .” a living person. The name(s) of your loved ones, who you have requested be remembered, will be included in the next R-CA Newsletter.

Thank you for your support of the R-CA.

— R-CA Treasurer,  Connie Perrin