Welcome to the 2020 Virtual Reunion Kid’s Room. We wanted to include activities that would interest children so we have a Reunion Coloring Book, Riddles, A Family Treasure Hunt, and Projects to Introduce Kids to Family History. To print the entire Kid’s Book, click the red button at the bottom of this page.

R-CA Presents 2020 Virtual Reunion Coloring Book 

Clicking the button will take you to Dropbox where you can download a copy of the Kid's Book to view, share, and print.



Children and adults alike love scavenger hunts. Why not add a genealogy twist by changing up the questions? It’s a fun and inexpensive family activity and a way to get children interested in genealogy. Make a list and have the participant(s) fill in the names of the people who fit the clues. The participants with the most names filled in by the allotted time wins.  

You can customize your own questions to suit your family. Here are some sample questions:

The oldest/youngest person in the family.

The person with the most children.

The most recent newlywed.

The longest married couple.

The one who most recently celebrated his/her birthday.

The person who lives the closest/farthest away.

The person with the longest/shortest hair.

Someone who has lived in more than one country/state.

Someone who speaks the most languages.

Rides or drives a truck/bicycle/airplane/semi/trailer to work.

As a bonus, you can give certificates to the people who fit some of these categories, and the scavengers have already done the legwork for you to tell you who fits the criteria.

Post R-CA Virtual Reunion Projects 
to Introduce Kids to Family History

Post R-CA Virtual Reunion Projects for Introducing Children to Family History

Make a family time capsule.

Conduct a family history interview.

Create a family history display for a future reunion.

Repurpose old fabric or other items into new family heirlooms.

Tell your family’s story through creative writing, Podcast, or Zoom.

Visit the National Archive’s “KIds” page for downloadable family tree charts and more https://www.archives.gov/publications/kids.

Visit the R-CA website with your children for family history information Roark-Conner.org..

Visit the R-CA Facebook account @Roark-Conner with your children.

Google family tree or genealogy books for children to interest kids in family history.

Visit the Virtual Reunion Heirloom Display Room  and the R-CA Heritage Trail with your kids.

Visit the worship service which has songs such as: This Little Light of Mine sung by Dan Roark.