What Is The R-CA?

Through the years, our Association has developed into a well regarded example among midsize family heritage associations. The R-CA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with national membership scattered over more than 20 States. Our members have published a number of well written, professional quality books of family biographies and histories, as well as an award winning newsletter. We are dedicated to the preservation of family documents and historical manuscripts.

The R-CA has a library of well over 20 DVDs produced from video documenting family presentations. We have a facebook site @Roark.Conner and this website. We maintain various cemeteries and have erected six historical markers in Tennessee and Virginia.

And most important, our annual reunions have provided us with an exciting gathering place for cousins from across the country the last weekend of September near our roots in Eastern Tennessee. As you know, due to COVID19, to ensure the health and safety of our family, we replaced the face-to-face reunion with this Virtual Reaunion.

R-CA Objectives

  • To develop, communicate, and advance the knowledge of the Roark and Conner families ancestry and to encourage the Association among all descendants.
  • To encourage the genealogical research of the families.
  • To encourage the publication of family genealogical and historical data.
  • To promote the collection and preservation of the early family related records and artifacts related to the Roark and Conner families.

R-CA Benefits

  1. Board of Directors: To manage the Association, the Bylaws call for a Board of Directors, elected annually, consisting of: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Past President, Directors, and Ex Officio: Legal Advisor and Newsletter Editor.
  2. Newsletters: The Newsletter keeps members informed about family news/events across the U.S. through our dedicated reporters. It also contains family histories, plans for upcoming reunions, post reunion updates with photos, and President’s messages.
  3. DVDs: The R-CA offers for sale a library of over 20 DVDs, produced from video documenting family presentations.
  4. Books: The R-CA offers for sale a number of excellent, well-researched books.
  5. Historical Markers: The R-CA and member families have erected six historical markers. They pay tribute to our ancestors and preserve the memory of our forbearers for future generations.
  6. Reunions: Reunions are held annually to bring our families together. The date for the 2021 reunion will be announced shortly. Information will be posted on this website, on Facebook @Roark.Conner, and in the Newsletter.
  7. Heritage Trail: Members developed a Heritage Tour Guide Booklet to aid anyone wanting to see the interesting historic sites around Birchwood, TN.
  8. Memorials: R-CA remembers our family members who have passed in each Newsletter, during a memorial service at the annual reunions, and through memorial gift donations.
  9. Social Networking: Through Facebook (@Roark.Conner) and Roark-Conner.org the R-CA provides family members a place to share information, photos, and family news, such as births, birthdays, anniversaries, deaths, and past President tributes.
  10. Preservation: The R-CA is dedicated to maintaining several Roark-Conner cemeteries and ensuring that historic documents and family heirlooms are sent to libraries, shared, and/or preserved for future generations.
  11. Ancestry: Members have preserved family history in family bibles, through family records, and on ancestry.com.
  12. 501 (c)(3)/Donations: The R-CA has been classified as a non-profit organization and contributions to the Association are tax deductible. Through donations to the Heritage and Memorial funds, members assist in supporting R-CA goals including: annual reunions, family cemetery maintenance, newsletters, and  maintenance of 501(c)(3) status.
  13. Website: In 2020, the R-CA developed this Website and it is being used to host the first 2020 Virtual Reunion. 
  14. Member Only Access: In the future, tentative plans call for R-CA members have access to a “Member’s Only” section on the website. There members will be able to meet other R-CA members and learn more about family history. 
  15. We invite new members to take advantage of the Virtual Reunion Special – 1st year  free membership, including 3 editions of the Newsletter. You can sign up on the Virtual Reunion Home Page.