The R-CA Board of Directors welcomes you to our 63rd Family Reunion!!
Visit the Board Meeting activities by scrolling down and clicking on the BLUE TEXT in the boxes below.
Activities include:
-- Patriotic Salute --
-- Bill Witt Highlights R-CA Books --
-- Vote for 2022 Officers and ByLaws Updates --
-- Board Member Reports --
-- Bill and Mary Hotze Witt Tribute --
-- Debbie and Herb Gatlin Tribute --
-- Memorial Service --
“Jubilate Choir,” St. John’s Lutheran Church, Orange, CA, with “Festival Orchestra.” Janet Downey sings in the Choir and submitted the songs.
Patriotic Salute
Message about R-CA Books
Vote for Officers and ByLaws Updates
Approve Board Member Reports
To express our gratitude and appreciation to Bill and Mary for their years of service to the R-CA.
Tribute for Service
To gratitude and appreciation Debbie and Herb for their years of service to the R-CA.
Tribute for Service
To honor Roark and Conner family members who have passed away since the last reunion in September 2020.
Memorial Service
“Jubilate Choir,” St. John’s Lutheran Church, Orange, CA, with “Festival Orchestra.” Janet Downey sings in the Choir and submitted the songs.
"Jubilate Choir"
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