R-CA 64th Reunion Program
by Johanna & Terry Roark

Please note, this is not an all inclusive listing of the many special features and presentations contained in the 2022 Virtual Reunion.  We invite you to sign in and explore for yourself. 

“Celebrating our Rich Heritage,” 
Our theme for 2022. 
This year it will be online again, 
But the program will be all new. 

Every year since 1959, 
We have met as a family. 
And until September 2000, 
We were near Birchwood, Tennessee.  

In 2000, when COVID arose, 
We found another way to shine. 
With help from family everywhere, 
We held our reunion online. 

It was virtual again last year, 
With a Zoom for cousins to meet. 
Many came, and it was a success. 
Our thanks for another huge feat! 

We’re going online again this year — 
Another great program for you. 
We hope you’ll plan to participate; 
Please attend our Zoom meeting too! 

President Dave Johnston will be there 
To lead us along, on our way —
We’ll get reports from Directors too; 
Hear what’s new with the R-CA. 

The 80th Anniversary — 
We will remember World War II. 
We celebrate all of our cousins,
Our nonagenarians too! 

With Jessica, Debbie will present
On Margaret Roark Shafer — her mom.
Hear a message from Reverend James Scott; 
He might even recite a psalm.  

Learn about the Swafford family 
With John Blankenship — his debut! 
Aaron Scott delivers a message; 
We’re blessed to have his point of view. 


As he sings one of his own great songs, 
Cousin Dan Roark is sure to please. 
Thank you to cousin Janet Downey, 
And her choirs’ great abilities! 

You will see cemetery markers 
have been cleaned so diligently. 
Our thanks to Connie and Steve Perrin,
And donations from family! 

Betsy and Bryan Gentry help keep — 
Those who passed in our memory.
And check out pictures of our cousins,
In Chuck’s Photo Directory.

R-CA’s Document Collection  
Keeps ancestor’s mem’ry alive. 
John J. Roark had organized them, all  
4,000 plus, now on flash drive! 

Bill Witt features books, and you will meet 
Past Presidents, ancestors too, 
John J. Roark award recipients, 
Our members — to name just a few. 

To recognize our rich heritage, 
We’ll feature Birchwood history.   
If you will join us online this year, 
These are some of the things you’ll see! 

Reunions celebrate and honor 
Our ancestors who came before. 
We celebrate our rich heritage, 
As we share some family lore. 

Don’t forget to mark your calendars. 
It starts September 23rd. 
Please invite all of your family. 
You can help us to spread the word! 

You can help us make it a success! 
We hope we have inspired you, 
To honor ancestor’s memories, 
And attend our 64th too! 

