Copy of 2022 Reunion

Photos from the 2022 Virtual Reunion.


Visit the 64th Virtual Reunion to view all the wonderful presentations 
and other activities. 

If you have any questions, or items you would like to discuss, please email or call: 202-669-1802 (leave a message if no answer please).  

If you participated in last year’s Virtual Reunion, we hope you and your families will plan to participate again this year. If you missed it last year, we hope you’ll be able to participate. We want to expand our membership, so please share the information about the Virtual Reunion with everyone else in your family including your sons and daughters and their sons and daughters too!

We sincerely thank you for your support of the R-CA! It’s because of the help and support of Roark and Conner family members that we are able to say: “We look forward to seeing you at the 64th Virtual Reunion!” 

— R-CA Board of Directors

(Last Updated Sept 1, 2022)

This year, you can also join in the Zoom Meeting on Sunday, September 25th. The link and time will be posted on this website, on Facebook @Roark.Conner, and in the September R-CA Newsletter.

We also need your input to make it more fun and interesting for everyone. Please review the list of items below for ideas on things we are hoping our cousins can contribute. Please send any submissions via email to us at: If you prefer to mail something to us, please let us know, and we’ll send you the mailing address.

We are asking for all of your submissions for any of the following items by September 20th, 2022 please. 

  1. Submit family photos with names for the Virtual Reunion attendees photo collage.
  2. Submit photo(s) of family heirlooms for the Virtual Heirloom Display Room and written description or send a video describing the item(s).
  3. What funny or interesting stories can you tell about your ancestor(s)? Submit video or written story, and please describe your pedigree and provide photo(s) of your ancestor(s).
  4. Interview one of your elders and share the video or written record with the R-CA.
  5. Do you have any special family traditions you remember from your past that you’d like to share with photos (e.g. Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthday, or other holiday traditions)?
  6. Please provide the name(s) and photo(s) of Nonagenarians and Centenarians in the Roark and Conner families. Also, please include the names and photos of anyone who will turn 90 or 100 in 2022, 2023 or 2024.