Doris Shropshire Thornton Photo
Doris Shropshire Thornton
R-CA received Chapter of the Year Award from the East Tennessee Historical Society

In the June 2000 Newsletter, Doris Shropshire Thornton, (past President 1998-2000), wrote in her President’s Letter:

“What exciting news I have to share! On May 16, 2000, the Roark-Conner Association was the recipient of the Local/Affiliate Chapter of the Year Award from the East Tennessee Historical Society “for its efforts to preserve and encourage family heritage through excellence in publishing and programming. 

Reba Wilson, Chuck and Linda Gross, Darwin and Joyce Lane joined me, Ken and our daughter, Amy, at the banquet to receive that award. 

Let us all celebrate the generous contributions of so many of you throughout the past forty years which made this prestigious award possible.”