Chuck Gross

 Chuck Gross Wins In Annual Newsletter Contest

In 2002, Chuck Gross, past President, 1993, submitted and won second place for the R-CA Newsletter in the Family Newsletter-Computer Generated Category.

The award was sponsored by the Ellen Payne Odem Genealogy Library of Moultrie, Georgia award for excellence in reporting family genealogy. Below is a portion of the article Chuck wrote for the September 2002 Newsletter announcing the award. 

Newsletter Award

Excerpts from “Newsletter Contest Results”
by Chuck Gross

The Ellen Payne Odem Genealogy Library of Moultrie, Georgia, which hosts about 120 Scottish Clans’ American records, holds an annual newsletter contest. This library publishes a newspaper, Family Tree, which conducts the newsletter contest. This year I decided to enter our newsletter, The Roark-Conner Family News, in the contest. The entry fee  was a $25, but I was to get comments from the judges. I felt that we have the best “family” newsletter. 

I waited for over two months to hear the results, and finally the package arrived. I hurriedly opened the package to learn that our newsletter was awarded a second place ribbon, in the Family Newsletter – Computer Generated Category. The Katz Kronicle, Davis S. Thaler, editor, won first place. I read the two judges comments to learn that both judges downgraded our newsletter saying, that I should use more “clip art” and graphics.

I am glad to report that our newsletter is an “Award Winner.” 

Thanks to all of the family reporters for truly making our newsletter really a family newsletter.