R-CA Benefits

We invite you to join the R-CA and share in the many membership benefits.   

Click photos below for more information.

Board of Directors

The R-CA has a Board, elected annually, including a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Directors.


Annual reunions bring our families together. The Roark-Conner families have been gathering to meet annually since 1959.


The R-CA offers for sale a number of books rich in family history and written by past R-CA Presidents.


The R-CA offers for sale a library of DVDs produced from videos documenting family presentations.


The R-CA has six historical markers to pay tribute to our ancestors and preserve the memory of our forbearers.


Roark and Conner ancestors are invited to join and like the Facebook site @Roark.Conner.


The Newsletters keep family members informed about family news/events through dedicated reporters.


R-CA remembers family members in Newsletters, at an annual memorial service, and thru gift donations.

Heritage Trail

The Heritage Trail Guide was developed to provide a self-guided tour around the Birchwood, TN area.


The Historical Documents Collection flash drivemay be purchased: go to “Documents,” then “Books.”


Members have preserved family history in family bibles, through family records, and on ancestry.com.


R-CA contributions are tax deductible. Donations support annual reunions, cemetery maintenance, the website, and newsletters.


The R-CA maintains several cemeteries and ensures historic documents are sent to libraries, shared, and preserved.


The R-CA maintains this website to keep members informed and provide a central location for storing historical data.