Heritage Fund

As descendants of James Roark and Maximilian Conner, it is important to recognize that we owe a large debt, not only to these two great men, but to all of our ancestors who came before us. Through the Roark-Conner Association, you have an excellent opportunity to express your gratitude in a tangible, meaningful ways. Among those ways involves donating to the Roark-Conner Heritage Fund. 

Gifts made to the Heritage Fund contribute significantly to ongoing R-CA projects. The Heritage Fund goes exclusively to projects such as maintaining Conner and Roark Cemeteries, purchasing historical markers, maintaining this website, publishing books and newsletters, hosting annual reunions, managing other family heritage projects, and maintenance of 501(c)(3) status. Donations are tax deductible. 

The names of the individuals designated In Memoriam or In Honor of,  along with the name(s) of the donor(s), will be announced in the R-CA Newsletters unless designated otherwise. 

Let us take every opportunity to celebrate our family heritage and to emulate the exemplary qualities of those who made our lives possible.

You may submit your donation by mail using the form below.

Heritage Fund Gift
Mail In Donation Form

Anyone interested in donating are also invited to use the the following mail in form to contribute to the Heritage Fund.

Heritage Fund Gift:

Name of Donor(s) ____________________________________________________________________________________________

You may wish to designate:

In Memoriam of __________________________________________________________________________ $________________

Or In Honor of __________________________________________________________________________ $________________

                                                                                                                                                                          Total    $________________

Please make check payable to R-CA, and send your donation to:
Connie Perrin, R-CA Treasurer, 8 Brookwood Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37411-1801

Heritage Fund Gift 

PayPal Donation Form

Heritage Fund Donation
Price: $0.00