John J. Roark
John J. Roark

John J. Roark Distinguished Service Award

To receive the John J. Roark Award is the highest honor and recognition afforded an R-CA member. Established on October 11, 2008, the first Award honored John J. Roark, a long-time member, for his unwavering devotion, outstanding leadership, unparalleled benevolence, and continual service to the R-CA. In short, individuals who exemplify a spirit of service which somewhat emulates that of the indomitable John J. Roark.

In establishing this Award, the Board of Directors resolved to confer it to any member who, over a period of time, has rendered unusual service and contributions to the R-CA.

As of 2023, 17 R-CA, family members have been honored with this distinguished award. 
Click names to read the tributes for each family member. 

Please note – some tributes are contained in the

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