R-CA Treasury of John J. Roark Distinguished Service Award Recipients

Tribute to Verna Ellis
December 25, 1935–February 7, 2020

Verna Ellis Photo
Verna Ellis

Verna was born on December 25th, 1935, in Fort Worth, TX, to Elias and Vernice Byers Hilwie. Her maternal grandparents were Texas Witt and George G. Byers. Her maternal great grandparents were Martha Jane Conner and Silas Witt, and her maternal gg grandparents were Martha Palmer and Maximilian Haney Conner. She graduated from North Side High School and attended Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas. 

In 1979, Verna and Larry Ellis married. Their married days were happy, and they both enjoyed being involved in The Granbury Church of God and going on many wonderful travels together. Beginning about 2000, Verna and Larry also began attending Roark-Conner reunions in Birchwood, Tennessee. 

In 2002, Verna, with Jenna Mathews, Sue Harron, and Melody Akin, formed a Cook Book Committee. They asked family members to submit their favorite recipes for the Cook Book. Using the recipes, they created a wonderful book, entitled Heirlooms From Our Family, which is still available for sale today for $10 on Roark-Conner.org, go to “R-CA Documents,” then to “R-CA Books.” It makes an excellent gift!

In the 2004 Newsletter, Verna helped promote the R-CA Historical Calendar which had photos of significance to the Roark-Conner families, and from 2006-2008, she served as a Director while William “Bill” Witt served as President. 

During the 2007 Reunion, while managing the registration process, Verna and Carrol Mathews sold raffle tickets for a quilt that Verna had made. The beautiful quilt helped increase the sale of raffle tickets. Verna and Carrol also managed sales of the R-CA books including the family Cook Book, a book related to Verna’s family history on Silas and Martha Jane Conner Witt, as well as a number of other historical R-CA books.

In 2012, family members were asked to send in quilt squares to Verna. Using the squares she received, Verna pieced a beautiful quilt together, and brought it to the reunion in October 2013. This was a very special and memorable fund raising project promoted by Connie Roark Perrin who was the President. The quilt was raffled during the reunion, and Connie became the proud owner of the cherished quilt. She has brought it to each reunion since so family members can enjoy it. In addition, Verna sent Connie a handwritten note sharing the thoughts that came to her while she lovingly quilted the quilt which is truly a family treasure. Verna’s letter is below.

In addition, Verna and Larry regularly attended reunions and generously contributed to the Heritage and Memorial Funds through the years. These examples are just some of the many ways they have supported the R-CA. In 2013, Verna was awarded the John J. Roark Distinguished Service Award for her contributions to the R-CA. Carrol Mathews (Treasurer 1999-2012) made the presentation to her.

Sadly, on February 7th, 2020, after a long battle with cancer, Verna went home to Jesus at the age of 84. She is survived by her husband, Larry Ellis; and many children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Verna Ellis Tribute

Verna’s Quilt Letter 

As I quilted the quilt (it’s finished) things kept coming to my mind. 

Quilting this quilt has been quite an experience!

There are family pictures, names, in memory of, old home places and much more. 

The pictures spoke to me. 

David Roark watched me closely, telling me, “this is your family, do it right.” 

John Roark had a smile, as if to say, “I’m just happy I’m not involved in this project.” 

Permelia Roark was tapping her fingers saying, “I know quilting—do it right!” 

Maude Roark wondered if I knew what I was doing. 

Martha Jane Conner spoke to me about her children’s names on the quilt, John, Jennie and Texas Witt. 

Gertrude Roark just hopes this quilt keeps someone warm. 

Reba is so happy about the project. 

Several spoke of old quilts made of scraps and old clothes. 

The old home places take us back—way back 

So many names that kept our heritage alive—a Christian heritage, Praise God. 

In the tan squares are hundreds of tiny stars, one for each of our members—past, current and future. 

We do have so many memories and so much to be thankful for, I know I am. 

I pray that the winner of this quilt will enjoy and cherish every memory on it and bring it back for display every reunion! 

Verna Ellis