Chuck Gross
Chuck Gross, First Newsletter Editor
Debbie Gatlin
Debbie Gatlin, Second Newsletter Editor
Sandy Johnston, R-CA Newsletter Editor
Sandy Johnston, Current Newsletter Editor
Newsletter Front Page

What is the History of the R-CA Newsletter?

  • Since 1992, the Newsletter has kept R-CA cousins informed on family news and a variety of related topics.
  • Chuck Gross published Issue #1 of the Newsletter in March 1992 (2 pages), and continued as Editor to Issue #48 in January 2008 (12 pages). 
  • Debbie Gatlin published Issue #49 in May 2008 to Issue #88 in May 2021 (37 Issues)! 
  • Sandy Johnston took over as Editor in 2021 beginning with Issue #89 in September 2021.
  • Chuck initiated the Family News Reporter process.
  • The first two Family Reporters in Issue # 5 – January 1994, were Willa M. (Sweetie) Eslick for the Ben & Lilly Roark Moon families and Marleita Carmichael for the Grover & Willie Roark families.
  • In 2002, Chuck won second place for the R-CA Newsletter in the Family Newsletter-Computer Generated Category. The award was sponsored by the Ellen Payne Odem Genealogy Library of Moultrie, GA award for excellence in reporting family genealogy.
Cartoon on Writing for the Newsletter

Sign up now and you can receive the coming issues of the Newsletter. 

Why subscribe to the R-CA Newsletter? 

The R-CA publishes a Newsletter three times a year — January, May and September! All R-CA members receive the Newsletter either by mail or by email, depending on their preference.  For $10 a year, you can:

  1. Receive news from Roark and Conner cousins across the U.S. submitted by Family Reporters including:

Births, Careers, Birthdays, Marriages, Anniversaries, Travels, Achievements, Awards, Military Service, Graduations, Retirements, Illnesses, Recoveries, and Deaths.

  1. Keep updated on information shared by the R-CA Board of Directors: 

President’s & Vice President Messages, Board of Directors Members, Board Updates, Editors Corner, ByLaws Updates, and Nominating Committee and Membership News.

3. Find out about upcoming and past R-CA Reunions: 

Schedules and activities, highlights and photos from past reunions, and information on family reunions sponsored by other related family members.

  1. Learn about R-CA history: 

i.e., Ancestors, Salem Church site, Roark Homestead, Historical Markers, cemeteries, family members who served in the Civil War, and Jolie’s Island, etc.

  1. Get offerings/requests from the R-CA: 

R-CA books and DVD’s for sale, the @ Roark.Conner Facebook site, requests for information, and ancestry research projects.

  1. As an R-CA member, you too can contribute: 

Write and submit “Letters to the Editor,” “I Remember” articles, ancestors stories, requests for assistance from members, family histories, and poems.

7. Who is your Family Reporter?

Family news is the secret to the success of the Newsletter. We need all the family news that we can get to make it interesting to the readers. Family reporters gather news for their families.

8. How do you sign up for the Newsletter?