To join, just complete the form below and send $10 to the address below. Some membership benefits include: 
  1. A Newsletter, published three times a year (January, May, and September), featuring news on births, deaths, and marriages, along with family history and information from the Board of Directors.
  2. An annual family reunion which brings together cousins from around the country to meet, share stories, and honor our ancestors. 
  3. Several DVDs and books offered for sale that were prepared by family members to document our families’ history and our ancestors’ lives.
  4. The Heritage Trail Tour Book which includes six historical markers erected to preserve our heritage, numerous cemeteries, and other points of interest.  
    Your $10 contribution helps support the important work of our Association such as maintaining cemeteries, installing historical markers, publishing the Newsletter, and hosting the family reunion. 

    For new members and renewals,  
    please complete the form and send your check for $10 to:
     Roark-Conner Association, Connie Perrin, Treasurer,
     8 Brookwood Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37411-1801.  
    You may submit
     dues for multiple years. 
Join the R-CA

Please note: the PayPal electronic submission/button is currently being tested.         

Please MAIL your check to the address below. 

After you click the “Submit Your Application” button above, please click the PayPal Cart to complete your payment of $10 for 1 year of R-CA membership. Once we receive your payment, you will be added to the membership list and you will receive the next Newsletter. If you have any problems, please email us at BoD@Roark-Conner.org. Thank you for your support of the R-CA.

To become an R-CA member, and to sign up for the Newsletter (published 3 times a year), send $10 for each household to: Roark-Conner Association, Connie Perrin, Treasurer, 8 Brookwood Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37411-1801.

Please make checks payable to: Roark-Conner Association and include the following:                

Membership Application:  _____ New _____Renewal 

Name(s):_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________                City:______________________________________________________ State:________________________Zip:_________________________               
Email: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
If possible, we recommend you receive the Newsletter by email:  _____Yes ______No
You will receive it sooner, the photos will be in color, and it’s easier to share with your family.


In the meantime, to become an R-CA member, and to sign up for the Newsletter (published 3 times a year), please send $10 for each household to:
Roark-Conner Association, 5618 Sulphur Well Road, Lexington, KY 40509. 

Please make checks payable to: Roark-Conner Association