During the 2019 Reunion, the President, Terry Roark, stressed five takeaways important to continuing the success of the R- CA, building your legacy, and passing on family heirlooms and stories to your children and your children’s children. One of the takeaways was:
Don’t Die With Your Stories In You! Terry encouraged R-CA members to, “Share your stories with your family and cousins. Interview your elders and document their story.” He added, “Whoever documents their life story helps to ensure their legacy lives on forever!” The color coded list below highlights the presentations that have already been done and recorded on DVD. You can purchase copies of these presentations. Viewing a couple of DVDs will give you a good idea of how  family members have prepared and given their family presentation. If no presentation has been done for the branch of your family, please consider doing one (either a PowerPoint, a video or both) and submitting it to the R-CA for inclusion in our library. You can also consider presenting your family branch during an upcoming R-CA reunion. If you would like an example of a PowerPoint Presentation, check out the one that was done on Franklin Asberry Roark

The list above contains a partial structure for the Roark-Conner families including the three sons (Joseph, James, and John) of Sarah Bolen and Timothy Roark, and Martha and Maximilian Conner. (Three Conner women married Roark men.) This is just an example of a portion of our family structure. It is not an all inclusive list of Roark and Conner families. If your family is not listed, you can still develop a presentation for submission to the Library or for presentation during a reunion.