Would you like to include information on your family heirloom(s) in the R-CA Heirloom Library? If so, just complete and submit the form below. Please include your name and contact information and the following information (if known) about the heirloom(s) and a photo(s) of your heirloom. Please complete a separate form for each heirloom you would like to include in the Library. 

Even if you do not wish to include your heirloom in the online Library, we encourage you to please ensure a chain of custody for your heirlooms so that they continue to remain in the family. Thank you.

Alternative Email Form

Would you like to include information on your heirloom(s) in the R-CA Heirloom Library. If so, just complete and submit the form below. Please include your name and contact information and the following information (if known) about the heirloom(s) and a photo(s) of your heirloom. Please complete a separate form for each heirloom you would like to include in the Library. 

Your Name:__________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

  1. Description of the heirloom (what it is, how old it is, condition, how was it used, how long
    it was used by the original owner, and any other distinguishing or interesting features).


2. Original owners name and when and where the heirloom was purchased or obtained.


3. Current owners name and when it was gifted to or purchased by the current owner.


4. Future plans for transfer of ownership of the heirloom.




                     Paste photo(s) of your heirloom and past and/or current owners here.


Please copy or print this form and then email your form to BoD@Roark.Conner.org.