Help Wanted Sign


Please Get Involved!

If you get involved in the R-CA, you honor and pay tribute to your ancestors. You can also help support Laura Roark Shropshire’s 1959 Reunion goals. One of those goals was to collect early Roark-Conner family history on how, “our ancestors lived, how they suffered, and how they endured hardships while striving for a Christ way of life.”


To volunteer, just click, complete, and submit  the form 

and let us know how you would like to help.

Thank you for your interest in and support of the Roark-Conner Association.

A Way Everyone Can Help— Send  Photos of Your Family Heirlooms!

For the upcoming Reunion, we plan to have a Virtual Display Room.  So, please begin thinking about what item(s) you wish to display for “cousins” to enjoy viewing. Items of interest may include family heirlooms, family pictures, diaries, books, bibles, historical documents, biographies, and written memories of letters which depict the history of our family. You may also send photos of ancestor furniture pieces, hand-crafted items, needlework, wood crafted items, quilts, antique clothing, antique jewelry, art work, etc. 

If possible, send a brief description of the item(s) and a photograph of the person who currently and previously owned the display item(s). We would all enjoy seeing your items at the Virtual Reunion. 

You can begin now to email your photos and information to the R-CA at

We also plan to produce a news article on our families heirlooms that can be published in a future R-CA Newsletter and posted on this Website.