Please don’t let your heirlooms end up here!

“Your ancestor’s legacy rests in your capable hands!”

Identify, document, photograph, and ensure a chain of custody of your family heirlooms so they don’t end up on the walls of a restaurant, for sale in an antique store, or worse yet in the trash!

One important feature of R-CA family reunions is a display of family heirlooms, old Bibles, photographs, ancestor furniture pieces, hand-crafted items, historical documents, quilts, antique clothing, antique jewelry, art work, etc. It’s a great way to share items and their historical significance with cousins.

We also want to use this website as another way to share family heirlooms with cousins.

We have added a few heirlooms to begin the R-CA Heirloom Library. We encourage you to submit information on your heirlooms. Just fill out the Submission Form and we will add your item(s) to the Library.