Historical Markers

As you speed down any of our nation’s highway or meander the country roads you can spot the distinctive lettering, background color, and unique shape of historical markers. How many times have you and your family stopped to read about the significant events, notable residents, and important locations they commemorate?

These markers help us remember the past, and over the years, the R-CA and families have contributed to this tool for public memorialization by erecting six historical markers. The markers reflect the rich heritage and strong values of Roark-Conner families to remember and pay tribute to our ancestors and to preserve the memory of our forefathers for future generations.

Only by looking back at history can our children and grandchildren fully appreciate the stresses and struggles our ancestors faced and the enduring fortitude and remarkable strength of character they possessed. These six markers were placed for our future generations, in the hopes they may gain a heightened respect, understanding, and appreciation for our ancestors. Look for additional photos of the historical markers on the Roark-Conner Association Group Facebook site (@Roark.Conner). The Roark-Conner Heritage Trail book by Gene Johnson, Chuck Gross, and Howard Scott, contains information on historical markers and other sites of interest in and around Birchwood, TN. The Heritage Trail booklet is available at no cost during R-CA reunions.

Explore R-CA Historical Markers:
(Click headings for more info)

Look for additional photos of the historical markers in the Roark-Conner Heritage Trail book by Gene Johnson, Chuck Gross, and Howard Scott. It contains information on historical markers and other sites of interest in and around Birchwood, Tennessee.