Reunion Registration Form

Roark-Conner Association – 66th Family Reunion – September 27 – September 28, 2024
Candies Creek Church, 294 Old Eureka Road, NW, Charleston, TN, Phone: 423-479-3731

Attendee Name: _______________________________________ 1st Time Attending? Yes ____ No ____

Spouse/Guests’ Names: _______________________________ 1st Time Attending? Yes ____ No ____

Mailing Address: ________________________________________ City: ________________________________

State: ___________ Zip: ____________ Phone: ___________________ Email: ___________________________

66th Annual Reunion Charges

     $ 5.00 – Registration Fee: $5.00 total per family:                            $ ___________

     $10.00 – Friday evening Meet & Greet meal X No. of people: $ ___________

     $10.00 – Saturday lunch following meeting X No. of people:   $ ___________

     $10.00 – Annual Dues $10.00 per year  X  No. of years:             $ ___________

Heritage Fund: These funds are used primarily for cemetery maintenance and the website. You may wish to designate:

                                        In Memoriam: _______________________________   $ __________

                                       Or In Honor of: ______________________________   $ __________

                                                                                                                       Total:      $ __________

Complete the Registration Form online on, or mail your completed form, by September 24, 2024, with payment to: Connie Perrin, 8 Brookwood Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37411-1801, or send Registration Form via email to:, Phone: (423) 227-2401. 
Please make check payable to the R-CA. 
Payment for registration may also be made via VENMO. Please say “reunion” for the purpose of the payment. Account name is roarkconner.

Request for registration refund received by mail, phone, or email by 9/24/24 = Total Refund. Sorry, we will be unable to accept Credit Card payment at the Reunion.

