4126 Courtshire Drive
Dallas, Texas

A RESOLUTION of the Roark-Conner Association to honor the memory of
MR. DAVID C. ROARK and to record its deep sorrow upon his death.

WHEREAS, it is fitting that the Roark-Conner Association Board of Directors, assembled in session on April 30, 2005, in Waxahachie, Texas, and on behalf of the general membership, desire to express and record its deep sorrow upon the death February 25, 2005, of our beloved and esteemed relative and friend, David C. Roark, who nobly served this Association; and

WHEREAS, evincing an inspiring diligence and single-mindedness much in evidence throughout his entire adult life, he worked while attending college and graduated with honors with an Engineering Degree from the University of Chattanooga; and

WHEREAS, so strong was his belief in the American free enterprise system, he ultimately established a business partnership in Dalton, Georgia and expanded the operation through building another facility in Decatur, Tennessee; and

WHEREAS, his knowledge and business acumen were often recognized for his remarkable achievements and community endeavors that even a brief resume of those honors is both inspiring and voluminous; and

WHEREAS, his capacious business and civic achievements aside, he had such a deep and abiding interest in the Roark-Conner Association, its members and their forebears, that his untiring efforts spanning a period of some eight years in the area of genealogy produced a record of near 8,000 descendants of James Roark, the forebear of all Roarks associated with our family Association; and

WHEREAS, he made his works available to the Association which sold more than 200 copies to its members at $25.00 each, the proceeds going to the Association as a donation; and

WHEREAS, by outstanding merit and diligent service he was persuaded to serve as President of this Association for a period of two years, 2001-02; and 

WHEREAS, his unswerving devotion to the Association consisted not only of his outstanding leadership as president, but also as chair of the Identification and Preservation of Historical Sites, Documents and Memorabilia Committee, his oversight and physical labor in the maintenance of the Conner, Cookston, Roark and Old Slate Creek Cemeteries and the former Salem Baptist Church site, and enumerable contributions to facilitating the annual reunions; and

WHEREAS, he had a deep, abiding concern for all mankind and was a gentleman of strong religious conviction and a devoted member of Birchwood Baptist Church where he served as Sunday School Superintendent, Teacher, Chairman of the Board of Deacons, on various standing committees, sang in the Church Choir, and was an active and contributing member of Gideons International; and

WHEREAS, for his immeasurable benefit to this Association and the manner in which he endeared himself to all who came to know him, it is appropriate that this Body hereby render this formal expression of its grievous loss in the death of David to his widow, Tommye M. Roark, daughter Connie R. Perrin and sons Allan and Lynn Roark; and

BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this Board to serve as a permanent tribute to the memory of our departed cousin, truly an extraordinary gentleman who made an incredible mark on the Roark-Conner Association, and who now resides in the presence of his Lord.

__________________________________           __________________________________

                      John J. Roark, Secretary                                                  Elizabeth J. Conner, President