Remember When . . .
After attending her first reunion in 2018, Jessica Johnson wrote an article for the Newsletter: “My First R-CA Reunion: Reflections of a Millennial.” Jessica represents our millennial generation. These are the family members we need to have involved to guarantee the continuation of the R-CA in the future. Many thanks to Jessica for sharing her experiences and insights. Jessica truly captured the essence of what makes the R-CA so vital – connecting our families and preserving and sharing our histories. This important work has been going on for over 60 years. In that time, we grew from a meeting of a group of closely related family members that missed seeing each other to a major organization with family members spread out all over the country. Please take time to read Jessica’s article.
After attending the 2019 Reunion, James Roark wanted to share some recollections of his early visits to see his family in Tennessee. Making memories that last a lifetime is one of the most valuable reasons for bringing your children and grandchildren to a family reunion. Please take time to read James’ article.
For the 1993 Reunion Newsletter, John J. Roark wrote an article, “Why a Reunion”? The reasons John gave us to attend a reunion apply even more in today’s world — almost 30 years later. Please take time to read John’s insightful article.
The following is an interview of Reba Shropshire Wilson during the 1995 Reunion. She describes the wonderful benefits of family reunions, some of the fun activities they had, and Roark Conner family projects underway. It’s always interesting to look back, and we hope you enjoy Reba’s interview.
The following is an interview with Howard Scott during the 2006 Reunion. He describes the importance of reunions to young people. This point cannot be stressed enough.
Please take a minute to listen to Howard, and then think of ways we can encourage our young people to attend the reunion September 25-27, 2020. Please send any suggestions to us at