Maximilian Haney Conner was the son of Maximilian Conner and Phoebe Bishop Conner. Maximilian Conner was a native of Virginia, born October 14, 1762, in Culpepper County and was a soldier in the American army during the Revolutionary War. Maximilian Conner first served for three months in the South Carolina militia beginning in 1779 and in 1780, he enlisted in the Continental army serving in Captain Parsons’ company. In Parson’s company, he served in Col. Shelby’ s regiment under General Sumpter in the siege of Augusta, Georgia, and was under the command of Captain Parsons until the surrender of British General Cornwallis at Yorktown which, in 1781, ended the fighting of the Revolution War. Maximilian Conner, in 1830, was to apply for a pension as a result of his service during the war and was granted a pension in 1831 that was to continue after his death to his wife until her death .

Following the war, Maximilian Conner married Phoebe Bishop in the Spartanburg District of South Carolina on November 14, 1788. Sometime later, probably after 1810, Maximilian moved his family to Cocke County, Tennessee, and lived there during the remainder of his life. He died November 27, 1834, and was buried in the Old Slate Creek Cemetery of Cocke County. His wife survived him by almost ten years.



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